Parte Frontal: “Beckman Electromate pH Meter”/ “Off” “Standby” “pH” “Standby” “MV” “Function”/ “Standardize”/ “Temperature” “0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100”/ “Battery Test”
Parte Interna: “Rec Out”/ “Sol Gnd”/ “Ref Glass” “Electrodes”/ “Beckman Instruments Inc.”/ “Made in U.S.A” / “Electromate”/ “Model 1009”/ “Cat No. 100900”/ Serial No. 100900-1050857”/ “Volts 115 VAC”/ “Amps 3”/ “ Cycles 50/60”.
Portilha: “Ph operation”/ “1. Turn functions Switch to Standby”/ “2. Teste battery condition. If low, see instructions manual.”/ “3. Conect eletrodes”/ “4. Immerse electrodes in buffer solution”/ “5. Set temperature dial to buffer temperature”/ “6. Set function switch to pH”/ “7. With standarzise control set meter to value of buffer.”/ “8. Set function switch to Standby”/ “9 remove electrodes from buffer solution, rinse with distilled water, and bolt with tissue.”/ “10. Immerse electrodes in sample, turn function switch to pH, and read value”
“MV Operation”/ “1 Set function switch to Standby”/ “2. Test battery calibration. If low, see instructions manual”/ “3 With function Switch at Standby, set meter zero on red scale with standardize control.”/ “4 Connect electrodes”/ “5. Immerse electrodes in sample, turn function Switch to MV, and read the value”.
“Notes”/ “A. To conserve batteries, turn function switch to off position when not in use.”/ “B. Electrodes reader part number 39500”.
“Beckmann Instruments Inc.”/” Fullerton, California 92634”/ “Printed in U.S”/ “17TW22” “81640”.