POSTERIOR DA CAIXA: "MICRODILUTERS®" / "Cat. No. 1-220-33" / "Capillary Transfer Pipette, 0.025 ml capacity, tapered for manual use." / "Quantity - 12 each" / "Microdiluters® are desing for use in micro volume serial dilution procedures and intended for In Vitro Diagnostic and Investigational use, in accordance with the enclosed package insert." / "Cooke Laboratory Products" / "Division of Dynatech Laboratories Incorporated" / "900 Slaters Lane" / "Alexandria, Virginia 22314" / "U.S. Patent Nos.: 3,252,331" / "3,349,937" / "Lot No. 1" / "B# 33 - 112" / "7809" / "QC 3 DLI" / " 6/'6/78" (escrito à mão em azul)
LATERAL DA CAIXA: "6/6/78" (escrito à mão em azul)
INTERIOR NA TAMPA: "PLEASE NOTE" / "For best results, we recommend that newly received Microdiluters® should be flamed and quenched before their initial use in accordance with the enclosed pack-age insert."